Current Student Registration

RETURNING students only!
Re-registration will open mid-April, 2025.

The re-registration of all current Kindergarten - 7th grade LPJUSD students must be completed online. Re-registration of your child at LPJUSD is not complete until the online submission forms have been received by the district. All parents will access the online registration forms through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

Students will not be enrolled in a class for the 2025-2026 school year until the district has received confirmation from the online system that re-registration has been completed.

Please do not submit a new student registration for your existing LPJUSD student.

Proof of residency within the district boundaries is required at the point of re-registration. The STATEMENT OF RESIDENCY form and 3 supporting residency documents listed on the PROOF OF RESIDENCY GUIDELINES must be submitted as part of the enrollment process. This documentation will be uploaded to the re-registration portal; please have it ready before beginning re-registration.

Please click here to log in to the Loma Prieta Joint Union School District Parent Portal and complete the online forms for your child’s re-registration at LPJUSD.

Powerschool Parent Portal Access:

All LPJUSD parents should already have a PowerSchool account setup.  To access the re-registration forms, follow the instructions below. 

student registration window

  • Enter your PS Parent Portal Username and Password and click Sign In

  • Select the link at the bottom of the navigation bar --    Annual Re-registration

  • Enter the student's date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

  • Read the instructions and complete the forms as requested

What is PowerSchool?

PowerSchool is a web-based computer program that allows parents or guardians to access their child's demographic information and attendance. Grades are also accessible for C.T. English middle school students only. Attendance information is updated daily. Grades are updated as teachers enter information into their grade books. Parents should allow a reasonable amount of time for assignments to be graded and for scores to be posted.

How do I access PowerSchool?

All parents and/or guardians have the opportunity to access PowerSchool. Once a parent or guardian creates an account, an Access ID and Access Password will be required to link a child to an account. If you need your child's Access ID and Access Password, please contact Registrar Lisa Sullivan. 

Questions can be emailed to:

Lisa Sullivan
Registrar, LPJUSD
C.T. English Middle School Secretary

Phone:  408-353-1123 ext. 5000