Business Office
The Business Office supports the core educational mission of the District by performing necessary business functions with a focus on utilizing resources most efficiently and effectively while serving our teachers, staff, students and the community. These functions include budget development and monitoring, financial reporting, payroll, benefits, accounts payable and receivable, purchasing, grants accounting, cash management, fixed asset inventories, risk management, external audits, and student attendance.
To learn more about Local Control Funding, budget documents, Proposition 30 (EPA) spending plan and actual expenditures, Measure H financial accountability, and SB 754 Economic Impact Aid information, please click on "Fiscal Accountability" on the right navigation bar.
Contact Us:
Sandy Fitzpatrick, Chief Business Official
Email: Sandy Fitzpatrick
Phone: (408) 353-1101 x 5502
To learn more about school finance in California, click here: Ed100 and here: PACE CA Education Funding 2020